Friday, October 28, 2016

music label iparticipate10

Ben Browning

The music label that I'm choosing to cover is def jam records.  It is a well known rap music label.  A lot of famous rappers have come out of this label and it is still on the rise.  Def jam is not the biggest rap label in the game but it is still on the rise.  Def jam is mostly rap but will also cover R&B, hip hop, and even some pop.  Kayne, Jay Z, Rhianna, and Frank Ocean are just some of the big names that has came from def jam.

Def jam does target a specific audience.  They target an audience that appreciates rap and hip hop, they don't cover any other type of music and this is why they are so successful because they know what they're good at and they stick to it.  This company is independent because of how large it is, it has smaller companies apart of it.

The problem with def jam is the same problem as every other music label company in the world.  The problem with pandora, apple music, spotify, and others.  These companies are ruining the main label companies because people are no longer buying cd's or even albums.  This is how label companies make their money and these other companies are taking that away from them.

Def jam is still relevant and a big label company but i believe that this company is on its downfall.  I believe in about 5 years all label companies will be dead.  In the mean time this is a big label and makes a big impact on the music industry.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Images in Magazines iparticipate9

Ben Browning

A magazine that I often read is Sports Illustrated.  Images in this magazine are often happy sports images or sad images of a team losing.  Today on Sports Illustrated there are a lot of great images.  Their head story is about a NFL kicker who has just been charged with abusing his wife.  The image on that story is a picture of the kicker looking shocked and scared.  Its a powerful image.  The rest of the images are pictures of teams celebrated or playing a sport of some kind.  The good thing about these images is that there are a lot of diversity in these images.  Sports have a lot of diversity an Sport Illustrated always captures that.

The images on Sports Illustrated capture the diverse people that play these sports but it does not have diverse images.  Sports Illustrated is all about sports so that is what most of the pictures are of.  This magazine doesn't capture a diverse audience because it is mostly about sports.  If someone is not interested in sports then they would not be reading Sports Illustrated.

It is obvious that the editors are appealing for a sports audience because that is what this magazine is about.  If you look deeper than that then you can tell the editors are mostly appealing to the football fans in the sports world.  For example, the post season of baseball is happening right now and their main stories are about football.  Majority of the time in this magazine the main stories are about football even when football season isn't even going on.

I would say that there is some disconnect between the magazine and their audience because they only talk about sports.  Although this really isn't fair to say because it is a sports magazine after all.  They can't start covering world issues because that is not why people read this magazine they read this magazine to get away for a little bit to receive some pleasant news.       

Sunday, October 9, 2016

How people get their news iparticipate7

Ben Browning

Over the break I was lucky enough to see my parents and grandparents, who are perfect to interview over this weeks topic.  I have came to the conclusion that my grandparents are more effected by television than my parents.  This is because they haven't always had television.  When they were kids they would get their news from the radio.  Now that they have T.V. my grandma gets her news from CNN and my grandpa gets his news from FOX News.  Both of my parents get their news from CNN and local news stations.  Unlike my grandparents my parents also have certain apps they can get their news from.

The T.V. news experience that both my grandparents and parents remember the most is 9/11.  They said they remember this so well because all they did was watch T.V. for hour and hours when 9/11 happened.  They said they're other moments on television that they remember but none as vivid and intense as 9/11.

My parents watch a lot of T.V. but not as much as my grandparents.  This is because my parents now have other ways to receive their news.  My grandparents do not have apps like my parents do to get their news.  Receiving their news from T.V. is still my parents favorite way to get their news because they feel they can connect to the event on a personal level because they are watching it and they have someone telling them what happened.  This is something they cant get on an app.

Both my parents and grandparents think that cable T.V. news is better than regular station news because of the quality and they feel that the anchors are better.  My parents have totally stop reading and receiving news papers.  My grandparents still get news papers but they barely read them.  They both prefer cable T.V. news over any other way to get news.